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Welcome visitor, As mentioned our Site Trails to Abundance is completely free and we can do that by earning small referral fees from our affiliates that we mention in our articles. To benefit you, we only recommend services we fully understand and believe. They must fit into our wealth building plans, be ethical companies and be reasonably priced. We are a small collection of writers who have professional or personal experience in banking, insurance, investing, real estate, mortgage lending, business ownership, successful careers, life and retirement planning. As is true in life none have hit it big or had a straight path to financial success, we have seen market bubbles burst, stock market crashes, recessions, hardships and years of little growth. Even so, all have a personal net worth of no less than a million dollars.
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All our advice is free and well tested but please be sure to check with your own financial advisors, legal counsel and tax professional. We sometimes show ads or make recommendations, in exchange some partner sites pay us small referral fees. To give you good examples, we never let that sway our opinions.
So, time to begin. Like all good things wealth building takes time, patience and won’t come to those unwilling to do some homework and some real work. There is also no one sure way to wealth building so we will recommend several paths that when used together will help you diversify and work toward building a solid base and ultimately a solid financial position. If you are ready, it is time to start up the trail.
The 5 Trails to Abundance
The Trail Head
Ready to begin, here is where you begin your journey. So, where are you, you may be a teenager who wants to start to learn? Perhaps, you are seeking to build a life plan for your finances? Feeling a little lost, maybe you are a single parent struggling to make ends meet? Or are you, well along in life but haven’t learned the secrets to abundance? Like many, maybe you are concerned about being able to retire someday. Don’t worry we will meet you right where you are, and help be your guide.

The Base Trails To Abundance ♦
Start here, build some cornerstones of wealth! Saving and investing builds your base. As you go, you might build some income producing assets such as real estate, a business or side hustle. diversifying really helps so, you might also want and likely should own dividend paying and/or appreciating equities. Ready to hike away from a month-to-month financial, this trail is your choice to move on. Want a much longer term view and a more financially secure future, onward as we start up the trails! Begin by starting a budget to free up more money to save and invest.
Starting Your Ascent ♦♦♦
Diversification and good steady hiking. Time to navigate the many winding Trails to Abundance! So it is said, having all your eggs in one basket can be a mistake. As you climb, along these trails, you will develop a focused approach to build your base in more than one type of asset. Start now, while you may start in the early days doing just one thing well, this is great! Yet, over time, you will want assets of several types. Keep track of your progress by Tracking Your Net Worth

Higher Elevation Wealth Trails ♦♦♦♦
Once you are many years down the Trails to Abundance your goals become financial independence and reducing taxes. Perhaps, you are in your 40’s or 50’s and have accumulated some assets like a healthy 401K balance, some home equity and/or some investments in stocks and bonds. Good for you, you are on an excellent path already. You might start feeling the need to ad some advisory services to you plans. Take a look at some and make your choice, our Motley Fool Review is a good place to begin and we see a lot of value in joining the American Association of Individual Investors
Laying Trails for the Next Generation ♦♦♦♦♦
We believe in providing for spouses, helping children with post High School education, building seed money to start a business and leaving something behind. Wouldn’t you also like, to teach and help your children build their own financial security? So, not only can you build wealth for your security you can also help more than just yourself. You could, help your family, your Church or your favorite charity(s).
On we go, we hope you enjoy Trails To Abundance! Welcome to the climb! Seeking financial freedom, you have come to the right place. Seeking to be more generous in life, we welcome you.